Creating Your Ideas to graphical illustration
it's a mobile application called Track and Trap which is a location trapping mobile app. So, here i have used road as track and then to show location have used flag.
It is a company called "Flock". Here client's reuirement was to do something with the meaninf of flock . so here i have used this logic. I have made "F" with the flock of birds , and then gave it a drop shadow effect. It has been selected
It's company called " Atropos" which means in greek : a Goddess who cut the thread of life . so, Here i have used that logic in this logo . This is been selected.
It's a stock market company .
it's a mobile application called "Track and Trap" which is a location trapping mobile app. So, here i have used logiv=cs accordingly .
it's a mobile application called "Track and Trap" which is a location trapping mobile app. So, here i have used logics accordingly . It is been selected .